
Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and indulge in the finest wines at our Monthly Wine Tastings. Each month, we carefully select a vineyard to showcase their exceptional selection of wines, ensuring a delightful experience for your palate.

Calling all wine lovers! The cost of this unforgettable experience is a steal! For members, it's just $10.00, while members' guests can join in for only $15.00. Please bring cash for payment. Your ticket includes six tastings of exquisite wines, delectable nibbles to complement the flavors, and even a lucky draw for a chance to win something special. Mark your calendars because we meet on the second Tuesday of each month. Arrive at 7pm to get settled and prepare for a 7.15pm start. The excitement begins as we embark on a wine-tasting journey that will transport you to vineyards near and far. Our venue is the fabulous Function Room at Howick Club. It's the perfect setting to sip, savor, and socialize with fellow wine enthusiasts. Trust us, the ambiance alone will enhance your tasting experience. But that's not all! In addition to our Wine Tastings, we also organize thrilling Vineyard Tours twice a year. Get ready to explore the enchanting world of winemaking firsthand as we visit some of the most picturesque vineyards in the region. So grab your wine-loving friends, join our merry group, and let's raise a glass to good times, great company, and the joys of wine appreciation. Cheers to unforgettable moments at our Monthly Wine Tastings and beyond!
